Search found 107 matches

by CodaCM
January 16th, 2025, 10:32 am
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Add WiFi to your Neato BotVac for 3$
Replies: 40
Views: 17900

Re: Add WiFi to your Neato BotVac for 3$

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <SinricPro.h> #include <SinricProSwitch.h> #include <ArduinoOTA.h> #define WIFI_SSID "......" #define WIFI_PASSWORD "...." #define APP_KEY "....." #define APP_SECRET "....." // ID dei dispositivi #defi...
by CodaCM
December 24th, 2024, 4:35 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Bought a “New” Unopened Original Roomba
Replies: 13
Views: 381

Re: Bought a “New” Unopened Original Roomba

Now that’s a cool find
by CodaCM
December 17th, 2024, 2:03 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: I7+ dock sensor error 46
Replies: 2
Views: 158

Re: I7+ dock sensor error 46

Have you tried cleaning the contacts if it’s not charging?
by CodaCM
December 14th, 2024, 4:17 pm
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Neato D10 erratic navigation and disordered mapping
Replies: 2
Views: 765

Re: Neato D10 erratic navigation and disordered mapping

Hi, do you solved the problem? We have exactly the same issue with disordered mapping here with our D10. The robot was working now multiple years without any problems. Thanks and best regards, Tom Have you tried contacting Neato support? The app and software are buggy, so it's bugging out. Let me k...
by CodaCM
December 14th, 2024, 4:15 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Please help make list of all Scooba mods
Replies: 9
Views: 1981

Re: Please help make list of all Scooba mods

I'll save you the bother on the 230. I think they were made as a throw away bot once they broke. They do not appear to be very fixable. They don't have the rotary brush and the initial vacuum stage. They basically lay down water, run over the area with a bristle brush and suck up the water. They ar...
by CodaCM
December 13th, 2024, 10:44 am
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Please help make list of all Scooba mods
Replies: 9
Views: 1981

Re: Please help make list of all Scooba mods

I’ve always wanted to own a 230 and 450 but I can’t find any for sale or they are at outrageous prices
by CodaCM
December 13th, 2024, 8:53 am
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Please help make list of all Scooba mods
Replies: 9
Views: 1981

Re: Please help make list of all Scooba mods

I believe the Scooba leaving a lot of water can be in part from a blockage in the tube running through the tank from the Dry Vacuum port to the Filter port. I have cleaned this tube out with a 1/2" pipe brush at least 18 inches long. (A 5/8" brush might work better.) Stick the brush down ...
by CodaCM
December 10th, 2024, 5:07 pm
Forum: All Other Robots
Topic: Use robot without WIFI or with phone hotspot
Replies: 4
Views: 348

Re: Use robot without WIFI or with phone hotspot

My mother would like a robot vacuum (Shark ION RV765) for her apartment located in a senior facility. The building wifi does not reach her apartment. However, she does have hotspot on her iPhone 13. We would set up the robot using wifi from a portable hotspot. After setup is complete, can the robot...
by CodaCM
December 10th, 2024, 5:04 pm
Forum: General Chit-Chat (Off Topic)
Topic: old fisher amps
Replies: 1
Views: 120

Re: old fisher amps

came across this forum dated 2015 when asking about an older fisher CA854 amp. I recently came into possession of my father-in-law's CA854, never knew it to work, when I power it up it only shows power standby. Had the covers off, everything looks to be in good condition, tried the remote to see if...
by CodaCM
December 10th, 2024, 5:01 pm
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Add WiFi to your Neato BotVac for 3$
Replies: 40
Views: 17900

Re: Add WiFi to your Neato BotVac for 3$

Hey there! even if many years have passed since the last message, I just wanted to share my experience about the project. After replacing the nimh battery with a nastima lithium 12v battery, my botvacd85 is again on track. In order to get wifi funcionality, I followed the guide step by step and now...
by CodaCM
November 29th, 2024, 5:16 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Braava Jet cleaning solution in Scooba
Replies: 3
Views: 176

Re: Braava Jet cleaning solution in Scooba

I just use the white vinegar and water. Vinegar is THE solvent for the clear Elmer's Glue that teachers make "slime" with and send it home with the kids to grind into carpets and blankets thereby ruining them and making everybody angry with each other until the parents learn about vinegar...
by CodaCM
November 23rd, 2024, 2:47 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Braava Jet cleaning solution in Scooba
Replies: 3
Views: 176

Braava Jet cleaning solution in Scooba

Just found out that iRobot says the Braava Jet cleaning solution works in Scoobas?
by CodaCM
November 21st, 2024, 8:51 am
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Neato D8 firmware problem
Replies: 6
Views: 343

Re: Neato D8 firmware problem

Yes i tried that but as i wrote earlier my bot doesn't come up in the file explorer. It only shows in device manager as "Usb download gadet". Also no diagnostic tools that i have found don't connect to device. Then you’re out of luck with me. I have mainly worked on the older Neato’s. I’m...
by CodaCM
November 20th, 2024, 3:54 pm
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Neato D8 firmware problem
Replies: 6
Views: 343

Re: Neato D8 firmware problem

Hi! Yes there is USB-c port on dust bin and i tried to connect it to computer as this instruction suggest But my robot doesn't appear in file explorer so i can drop the firmware file to fol...
by CodaCM
November 20th, 2024, 8:46 am
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Neato D8 firmware problem
Replies: 6
Views: 343

Re: Neato D8 firmware problem

Hello! I managed to get my hands on a second hand D8. But it seems that there is something wrong with the firmware/software. It powers on but only flashes different colors of the leds. It does not connect to the app and if i connect it to computer it appears on the device manager as "usb downl...
by CodaCM
November 18th, 2024, 9:17 pm
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Neato Support Tools
Replies: 0
Views: 485

Neato Support Tools

I have been working for over a week compiling a ton of Neatos resources for future use when they shut down. The Google Doc I attached below contains Manuals, Downloads, and more. The Doc and Sheet containing all the archived manuals are open to comment on so please comment if you want me to add some...
by CodaCM
November 18th, 2024, 3:49 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Scooba Bumper Issues (340 and 390)
Replies: 2
Views: 476

Re: Scooba Bumper Issues (340 and 390)

Hi all. I've got two Scooba robots - one a model 340 and the other a 390. Both seem to be exhibiting the same issue with their bumpers, in that the sensors do not seem to be reliably reacting when the bot collides with an object. Sometimes they react exactly like they should - the bot stops, turns ...
by CodaCM
November 18th, 2024, 1:48 pm
Forum: iRobot Roomba and Scooba Chat
Topic: Battery recommendations for scooba 6100
Replies: 10
Views: 1010

Re: Battery recommendations for scooba 6100

I've bought 5 batteries from these people in the past year. I currently have 9 working 300 series Scoobas and I start the Scoobas with full tanks and the tank runs dry before the battery dies on all ...
by CodaCM
November 13th, 2024, 10:47 am
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Need Neato_4.6.0-72.tgz Firmware package
Replies: 2
Views: 269

Re: Need Neato_4.6.0-72.tgz Firmware package

Desperately looking for Neato_4.6.0-72.tgz firmware package for U.S. based Neato D7 Connected. Existing D7 robots are "stuck" on v4.5.3_189 firmware rev and will not auto/manual update to the most recent firmware revision. Neato tech support will not support this issue. If anyone has this...
by CodaCM
November 10th, 2024, 9:28 pm
Forum: Neato Robotics
Topic: Neato D85 not receiving power
Replies: 19
Views: 1345

Re: Neato D85 not receiving power


after doing some close-up inspection of the mobo. a few of the diodes look burnt out and are missing. I will go the route and order a new board and hope that fixes it.